
Getting ready for the weekend.

Well today was the last day of classes, but also my first day at E1 level of classes. Was substantially easier to understand stuff, but not all stuff we already know, and lots of vocabulary that we never learned, so I feel this was a good decision. Then after that class we had our first class of the weekly "Japanese Culture class"Where we have different people come in to teach us about specific parts of the Japanese culture. It was taught by this lady

I do not remember her name. The class was taught entirely in Japanese so I spent most of my time focusing on understanding her. Today's class of just an overview of the different things we will learn throughout the semester.

She had a chadou set

A Koto

And also a Shodo set.

She didn't teach us how to do any of it, but each week will be a different one and we will learn the basics of the practice. Then she pulled out some Kimono. One of our classes coming up will be on Kimono and how to wear them, fold them, etc. She then on me to come to the front of the class, and become the "model-san" I unfortunately don't have many good pictures, since Alex sucks at using cameras.

I kind of explained to her I was familiar with certain aspects because I have been doing Kyudo for 2 years so I knew how to tie the obi, and which way to have the collar of the Kimono on. The kimono was rather small for me, especially the sleeves.

She then called a girl up to the front to wear a female, Stephanie.

She then had the two of us wear the outfit for the rest of the class. Which was interesting because we started going over Chopstick etiquette and we learnt what to do with the sleeves while eating. I kind of wanted to ask if she wanted me to do Tasuki but never got a chance.

She also brought out a Taiko drummer outfit and had a guy named Jesus wear it as well.

Here's also a picture of me and Stephanie wearing our Kimono next to each other.

After that it was about 3pm and I went back home. I skipped going to "freedom club" which was a thing I think I accidentally joined. Its basically a club that does stuff for the upcoming cultural festival. We were doing American style food and dance. I heard it had been a mandatory meeting for all foreign exchange students, turns out it wasn't. I will probably drop out because since I want to join the Kyudo club I will try and participate with them and what they are doing for the cultural festival. I then fell asleep and slept until about 8:00.

It was then that Alex woke me up and told me our last minute plans for the weekend. Originally we were planning on doing nothing Saturday, and going as a large group to Shinjuku to go shopping. Instead it turns out him and Stephanie went and bought tickets to an event we had originally talked about going to, but then decided not to go to, and now we are going again. So he told me to get up and go to 7/11 and buy a ticket, not exactly explaining how to. He told me the machine I could buy it from was attached to a giant copy machine. Unfortunately the English function on the machine only pertains to the copy machine function, not the buying ticket function. But with trial and error I figured it out, and bought my ticket.

and a Kamen Rider Key chain

The ticket is to Tokyo Game Show. We are getting up really early tomorrow morning, riding the bus into the station, and getting on a nearly 2 hour train rider to get there. Then we will probably have to wait in line for about an hour to get in. I think the floor is only open from 10:00 to 17:00 and we will probably stay there the entire time. I plan on taking a ton of pictures and videos of as much as possible, and possibly seeing some of my favorite Internet shows and websites there like Game Center CX, and the Screwattack.com crew. Hopefully I will be able to go to an ATM before hand, because I only have like 2000yen in cash on me, and I'm going to want to buy a lot of stuff there. I will post all the pictures either tomorrow night, or Sunday depending on how tired I am after the show.

1 comment:

  1. Brett:

    This is a marvelous travelogue / history of your learning adventure. The pictures and videos make it almost like being there.

    Your are an exception chronicler of both the Japanese culture and your interaction and learning from it. Keep it up - you have a lot of followers in MI and other places as we've been shamelessly promoting your BLOG.

    Good luck at the Tokyo Game Show - must be like dying and going to heaven for you. Can't wait to see the next set of pictures and videos.

    Love from this side of the world,

