

Hello all who might be reading this blog,

My name is Brett, I am a junior at Georgia State University, and I will be keeping this blog throughout my 5month student exchange program to Soka university in Tokyo. I am currently a Japanese Studies Major and I am participating in this exchange program with 3 other students from GSU. I have been studying Japanese for about 2 years now, and hope that this experience will help enforce, and improve upon what I have been doing these last two years.

I will be leaving for Tokyo on September 4th and after a grueling 14 hour flight will arrive on the 5th. I will be attending Soka University as a exchange student while living in the dorms on campus, and will be taking 4 different Japanese classes, all while also doing what i can to speak as little English as possible with others.

I hope to update as often as possible throughout the trip with pictures and videos I have taken from around Tokyo, so keep checking back

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